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Message from the Minster September 2021

The Greatest Need

When you honestly examine the state of the world in which you find yourself, can you say with any degree certainty that all is in divine order, flowing with grace and ease for highest good of all? Is this your authentic experience, or are you merely repeating the words in hopeful petition to the Universe? Do you live the principles you know, or are they simply intellectual concepts, stored neatly in the data banks of your brain along with the rest of what you may define as your reality?

What I have been shown through deep spiritual experience is the inconvenient truth that the world I see through the lens of separation has nothing at all to do with reality. The greatest miracle that proceeds from this knowledge is awakening to the real world, and this, in my humble opinion, is the greatest need of human beings, awakening to their own magnificent reality. Spiritual awakening is our most urgent dedication and our most precious achievement.

In one of his final prayers, recorded in the Gospel of John, Jesus prays the affirmation, “glorify me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” (John 17:5) Essentially, he is affirming both that he is an eternal being, one with God, and he is in truth the same as his creator. He is acknowledging the return to light or “glory”, and he existed before the world was, his being does not begin and end with time and form. He speaks of the whole process of awakening to our own glory and our inherent oneness with God. This process is the same for each of us as we too remember who we really are.

Our need therefore is simply one of remembering, allowing our spiritual consciousness to have preeminent rule of our hearts and minds. To surrender to reality should be the easiest thing for us to do, however, just the opposite seems to be true in our earthly experience. We prefer the illusion of separation and the charade of self-identity, the importance of the ego. The New Testament also tells the sad story of Man’s tendency to favor the illusion… “That light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light.” (John 3;19)

Our greatest fulfillment in the awakening can therefore be seen as the return to the light, the acceptance of the light in us and the experience of the light as our true nature. The light can be remembered as spiritual energy. It can be seen as within us and all around us; but most of all, it is us. Our very being is made up of this invisible force of divine energy. We truly are eternal beings, ever expanding into greater expression of God within. This illumination, this awakening is not just a shift in perspective within our human concepts. It is really a fundamental change in the source of our thinking, a return to the ground of our being, an immersion into the divine light of Truth. It is the one thing that can shift us out of fear and into love forever, and I firmly believe it is our greatest need!

May your every need be met with grace and ease, but most of all, may you accept the glory of your being, the glory you had before the foundation of the world. Once this need is met, you will have no others.

Always yours in Christ Consciousness

Rev. Tony