Unity is

Unity is a positive, practical spiritual path based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of affirmative prayer. Unity has a commitment to inclusion, diversity, compassion, healing and transformation. Unity is a path for anyone seeking a life based on spiritual principles, guided by love rather than fear.

I Am Not Your Enemy

Rev. Tony Cryer
Sunday February 9, 2025 at 10:00 am.

Just because I look different, speak, love or pray differently from you doesn’t make me your enemy.
Thomas Merton once said, “Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy. That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody’s business. What we are asked to do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors worthy.”

Thomas Merton

If we want to follow our way shower from Nazareth we cannot continue to see others as our enemy. And if we do perceive them in that way, Jesus asks us to love them anyway. 


Guest Speaker Larry Brown

Rev. Larry Brown
Sunday February 16, 2025 at 10:00 am.

Our dear friend Larry Brown will be with us on Sunday, Feb. 16th to talk about:

“The Importance of Black History Month.”

Larry Brown photo

Upcoming Schedule:

Valentines Dance Concert


You Are Invited…

Come Dance away those winter blues with our very own Jack Leyden and Oriana Camish, the Accent Duo.

Saturday, February 15th 6:30- 8-30 pm.

Halcyon Condominiums Clubhouse, 300 Buck Island Rd. West Yarmouth, Ma.

Everyone is invited to join us for an evening of dancing and fun!!!

$25.00 suggested

donation at the door.

Web Dance

David Roth, Sloan Wainwright, and more In The Round

Friday, March 7, 2025 at 7:30 PM
at Unity on Cape Cod
Tickets $25

Excitement is in the air! Get ready to be part of something extraordinary as we launch Unity on Cape Cod’s 2025 Summer Concert Series! It’s going to be a summer of amazing musical talent, shared in a warm, inviting venue, centrally located in Hyannis!

The series begins with a spectacular “Songwriters in the Round” concert which features organizer David Roth, with Susan Cattaneo, Sloan Wainwright, and Glen Roethel! This will be an intimate in-the-round concert. Anything can happen as these seasoned, nationally touring artists take turns in a one-of-a-kind musical conversation.

Thank you for supporting live music on Cape Cod. You are a blessing!

Concert David Roth

Leadership Council Meeting


All Team Leaders and Board Members:

                          Sunday February 9th 11:45 am.

There will be a meeting of the leadership of Unity on Cape Cod following fellowship in the sanctuary.



An Encounter with the Five Principles


An Encounter with the Five Principles

Saturday, February 22nd

9:30 am to 2:30 pm

Join us for an in-person class in the sanctuary at Unity on Cape Cod, 147 Walton Avenue, Hyannis.

If you want to deepen your experience with the Unity principles, become a voting member of Unity on Cape Cod, or simply want a spiritual encounter with the teachings of Unity, this is the class for you. Everyone is invited to join us for an in-person class on Saturday, Sept. February 22 from 9:30 am. to 2:30 pm. A light lunch will be provided.


Or send us an email at [email protected]


Five P Web

Black History Month Special Event

Celebrate Black History Month with Us

Sunday Feb. 16, 2025

12:00 to 2:00 pm

NEIGHBORS, depicts examples of racism and its effect on individuals of all races and religions. It is comprised of a series of vignettes from the experiences of local Cape Cod residents. Written by playwright Judith Partelow, Neighbors was created in collaboration with people of diverse races and cultural backgrounds.

Playwright Judith Partelow will be in attendance for Q&A after the film.

Discussion will be led by Cape Cod Times columnist Larry Brown.

This is a filmed version of the highly acclaimed performance that was performed on MLK day 2025 at the Harwich Cultural Arts Center.



image (22)

Listen to our podcast with Rev. Tony

New! Reclaiming the Wealth of Our Soul Reverend Tony discusses the importance of reclaiming our spiritual wealth and serving the highest good of all creation.

Earth Care

Watch our latest video:
Letters from the community

Meet Rev. Tony
Unity on Cape Cod Baskets
Our Ministry Teams
Listen to Our Podcast
Our Sunday Services

Unity on Cape Cod

Unity offers a philosophy of individual spiritual awakening and empowerment. We provide positive, practical teachings that help people discover and live their spiritual potential and purpose. We help people have a stronger connection to the God of their understanding each and every day. We help empower people to live abundant and meaningful lives. We believe in the innate goodness of every human being, and the potential for every person to discover their true purpose for living.

We are dedicated to the idea that God lives in each of us, and we celebrate our shared spiritual identity at every opportunity.

Ongoing Events

Unity Book Club


The next Book Club meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 25th at 1:00 pm at Unity on Cape Cod.

The February book choice is The Life Impossible by Matt Haigg. In this “adventure-filled” novel about the power of new beginnings, a retired math teacher inherits a Mediterranean island house and experiences spiritual transformation. The themes touch on climate change, aging, grief, and recovery from guilt. 

Please come and join the discussion of this intriguing book and how the themes might relate to Unity principles. 


Walking in the Spirit


There is no walk scheduled for this week.

Enjoy your time with your family…

And Stay Tuned for Future Walks!

Unity Men's Group

There is now a men’s group at Unity. The goal of this group is be to provide opportunities to socialize and to participate in service projects that would benefit the Unity community and perhaps the local community as well. Anyone who may be interested in becoming a member of this group can contact Michael O’Connell.  [email protected]

The next meeting of this group is scheduled for February at 8:30 am. at the Sea Street Cafe in Hyannis.

Women's Lunch Group

Every month the women of Unity will meet for lunch on the third Thursday of the month.

Women’s Lunch Group meets this month Thursday. Feb 20 at noon at the SEA STREET CAFE 50 Sea Street Hyannis

All Unity women are welcome!

For more info. contact Christine Young at [email protected]

Community Inspirations

A new web page has been created for our members to have a place to share their insights and inspiration regarding their spiritual journey in Unity. It is part of the Unity on Cape Cod blog called Community Inspirations. Please send in your submissions by email to [email protected]  with the words, “Community Inspirations” written in the subject space. 

Affirmative prayer

The Affirmative Prayer circle with Rev. Tony and Liliana Is back, every Thursday evening at 7 pm. via Zoom.

(Click link below to join the zoom meeting.)

Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God-Mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good…. The fourth principle of Unity!

Prayer is the most highly accelerated mind action known. It steps up mental action until man’s consciousness synchronizes with the Christ Mind. It is the language of spirituality; when developed it makes man master in the realm of creative ideas
Charles Fillmore.

Prayer Partner Ministry

Please remember, our prayer partner ministry is ready to pray with you. Every Sunday there will be a prayer partner available to pray with you after every service. Just look for the person with the White Prayer Chaplain stoll, standing by the door to the prayer room. Affirmative prayer is one of the foundations of Unity and is considered to be the most highly accelerated form of mind action known. We are here to serve your prayer needs. 

Who we are