Message from the Minister December 2024
During this Holiday Season we have an opportunity to go within and remember the gifts we have received in our lives and the gifts we have to offer. In Unity we often ask ourselves the question, “What is mine to do?” However, I would like to reframe that question to ask, “What is mine to give?”
When we ask ourselves this question a powerful experience occurs, we connect with all of our inner qualities and outer talents, as well as our passion and direction in life. When we answer the question, “What is mine to give” the doing part usually takes care of itself. When I am clear about the gifts I have to offer, the opportunities to offer them can be seen everywhere.
The one thing which starts this process moving is a deep searching in my heart for all the many gifts for which I am grateful. When I realize what I have received in life, I also realize what is truly mine to give. It makes sense that one cannot give what he or she has not received. And how often do we forget what we have received when we are preoccupied with doing, with striving and succeeding and achieving material goals? Something gets lost in this equation. What gets lost is the joy of giving.
Perhaps this is the reason so many of us love the Holidays. It is a time of giving and receiving in so many ways. We offer presents to one another, gather in places of worship and around the family table. We sing songs and decorate our homes, businesses and even the streets of our towns, all in an effort to bring more joy to those around us. This season is called the season of giving.
I know some cling to the idea that it is more blessed to give than to receive, but I hold to the spiritual truth that giving and receiving are one. If we open ourselves to receiving the love behind the material symbol then we have truly welcomed the gift into our heart and it becomes part of us. As a very real part of who we are, it continues to increase as we give it away. The truth is that we are giving energy, the energy of love and of God.
Although there are many symbols we use to carry our gifts to others, the outer forms are still just the wrapping surrounding the precious gift of divine substance within, the love and light we hold in our hearts. The joy of giving is in knowing that this is what we really have to offer.
This Holiday Season and every day of the year remember that the only way to increase what you have is to give it away. The only trick is that you must also be willing to relinquish any conditions or results of your giving. To give freely means you trust completely in Spirit to bring about the highest good possible in every situation for everyone.
As Jesus said to his friends, “ My peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives, do I give unto you.” (John 14:27 NKV.)
Be in Peace my friends… and remember your love is the real gift and your love is the only thing that will transform this world!
Always yours in Christ Consciousness,
Rev. Tony