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Times of Great Challenge

Message from the Minister, Winter 2025

Many people across the globe feel the greatest challenge facing Humanity is upon us now, but we know that in times of great challenge your only means of transportation might just be a leap of faith. Every instance of uncertainty can be turned into an opportunity for greater trust.

I am not suggesting that we ignore the existential threats facing us; from the warming planet to the divisive politics, the wars, famine, disease, and the myriad of other completely preventable causes of suffering, Humankind is now faced with a final decision… “To evolve or die,” as Eckhart Tolle suggested in his brilliant book, A New Earth. He also wrote something that has stuck with me over the years, “You can only lose something that you have, but you cannot lose something that you are.” This is reason it is so important to get in touch with what we are in truth, our essential nature.

Could spiritual transformation and enlightenment actually be the answer to the multitude of our apparent human problems? I believe with all my heart and from deep experience it can. One thing which helps me keep my faith is the proposition that there is one problem and one solution. The problem being separation and of course the solution is the realization of our oneness.
Realization of oneness is not theoretical, it is experiential. If faith is the substance of things hoped and the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1), then it must also be an experience of that which is previously held in thought being manifest in the physical realm. Peace, for example, cannot be held as a concept only. It must be a real experience in both the inner and outer realms of reality. First you feel it within yourself and then create it in your world.

The first thing we must do is begin to focus on our inner experience of oneness and share our vision with those we perceive as outside or separate from us, to extend, through forgiveness, the knowledge of our shared inherent divinity. This sharing of knowledge is not accomplished primarily through the intellect, but through an authentic experience of a spiritual nature.
We can subsequently take our vision and proceed to our goal or ultimate mission of helping Humankind as a whole come into the manifestation of our inherent oneness and bringing about the end of separation and all the effects of separation we have witnessed throughout human history.

Some may say it will never happen; but as I stand and sing “let there be peace on Earth” each and every week, I ask myself, “Do you really mean it?” And the answer is, “Yes I do.” I do believe in peace on Earth as our primary experience and I passionately believe that it starts with me. However, the process and the results unfold in Spirit for the highest good of all, not just what I think I want. The infinite intelligence of the Universe will ultimately have the final say in how it all comes together. This is where our faith becomes essential, taking the first steps even though we cannot see the whole path.

Our responsibility is to do our part with all our heart, mind and soul, do what is ours to do and leave the results up to Spirit. It cannot be that hard. All we are asked to do is love one another. Maybe that is the greatest challenge of Human Beings, to actually let go of their fear and commit to loving their neighbor as much as they love themselves.
And Jesus answered them, saying…

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:30-31)

Rev. Tony