Happy Thanksgiving

A Message From Our Spiritual Leader
November, 2016


In this time of gratitude and thanksgiving, I want to express my overwhelming appreciation and love for each and every one of you. I truly behold the Christ in the members of this congregation. Your desire and commitment to make me your spiritual leader has demonstrated a spirit of giving I have rarely seen in this world. Your attitude of gratitude and prosperity consciousness is not only a gift to Liliana and myself, but a witness to the power of God within us all, and a precious gift to humankind as well.

Lili and I wish to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for everything you have done to make this happen. I have rarely seen such an outpouring of support in any community. We want to thank you for showing up every Sunday to help Celebrate love, Create community and Transform the lives of everyone around us. This is the mission of our Spiritual Center, and we will expand our mission for the future with your loving and dedicated participation. We thank you for attending the classes during the week, and the many workshops throughout the year. We thank you for coming to our concerts and dances and all the many special events we hold each month. We thank you for your sacred service and being active on the volunteer teams. We thank you for your wonderful work in the greater Cape Cod community. We thank you for welcoming new members with open arms, hearts and minds. We thank you for every hug, kiss, smile, handshake or prayer. We thank you for watching services online and visiting the website.
We thank you for your positive thoughts and great energy. And most of all, we simply thank you for being you! We love you just the way you are. We would never want any of you to change who you are. No one can be you except you. We all have discovered it is just a journey of becoming more of who we already are, a brighter, more expanded, more fulfilled, more loving and more awakened you. You are perfect as God created you. I am so happy we are on this journey together.
Together we will reach heights of spiritual growth and community building beyond our wildest imagination. I give all to Spirit and release the future into the loving hands of our Father/Mother God. As we embrace the moment before us, let us all remember to be grateful for all the many and marvelous gifts we have been given, especially the gift of each other. In principle, in faith, in truth and in Christ Consciousness… I honor the place within you where God resides, that place of pure unconditional love and light! This is our real Self…And we are discovering it together! Namaste’.

All The Love In The Universe, Rev. Tony Cryer