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Better Late Than Never

Message from the Minister
June, July and August 2024

Every month for the past eight years I have penned a message from the minister, which without fail has been posted on our website. Well, it has been said that time seems to pass more quickly as one increases in age. So, coming up on sixty six years around the sun, three months can suddenly feel like one. By the time I noticed I had not written the message for August 2024, I realized the message from the minister was also missing from June and July. Well, I thought to myself, “Better late than never.”

However, that statement is rooted in time and has the connotation of finality, the possibility of missing your opportunity forever, which of course is impossible. I would like to change perspective here and jump to, “everything is in divine order” but to quote another cliché “First things first.” I was late with the message, extremely late, and I had to admit to my disappointment in my streak of consecutive messages being broken. I had to deal with my thoughts and emotions before I could get clear on the lesson being offered here.
So, it looks like another of my ego-driven goals had been disrupted by Spirit. Something good is going to happen now, it always does; but what is the good? I needed to sit with this for a while and let something else be revealed to me. This is not about a streak of messages being posted, but how I am impacting the world with these messages. Is anyone paying attention? I put a great deal of effort into this. I wonder if anyone reads blog posts anymore anyway? As you can probably discern, there is a lot of ego-busting going on in this process.

As I am sitting with this, the shift of consciousness happens. I remember there is nothing and no one outside of me. I was always writing these messages for myself anyway. Every time I expand my consciousness, the whole of creation is blessed and moved forward. So, even if no one reads or posts or responds to these messages, the important thing is that they took hold in my heart and have become part of my being.
In this sense, I am always on time and everything is truly in divine order. I stop looking for a response or result out there and open myself fully to the message I am receiving. It is a message from Spirit, from my highest self, from the infallible intelligence of Universal Mind. I am the one who needs to hear it and pay attention, allow it to impact my consciousness. If I am growing spiritually, I can be sure the whole of creation has expanded as well.

The truth is there are no mistakes and everything is always in divine timing and flowing with grace and ease. There is no being late or missing the boat. The only question is, do I want to be consciously, actively and passionately involved in my own spiritual growth? Am I making choices that create a flow with reality, or am I covering my awareness with dense energy and an endless stream of meaningless thinking?
If I can gain anything valuable from this three month lesson, it is that time can be compressed as well as stretched to accommodate the direction of Spirit. What I needed to learn most this summer is that I can relax into the natural flow of spiritual evolution and replenish my own light. I can enjoy the journey and remember, in truth there really are no mistakes, only lessons of love, moments of learning and shifts of consciousness in this great journey we call life. And if it took me three months to realize this, then it is better late than never.
Or, in the words of Andrew Solomon, “We live in the right time, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.”
Always yours in Christ Consciousness
Rev. Tony