Color My World with Love
In New England, Autumn brings with it a colorful array of natural, visual delights. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Nature always wears the color of the Spirit.” We can also use this time to tune into a deeper change being brought about by the Spirit within. We have an opportunity to embrace the energy that colors our life and our world during these times of shift and change. Looking at your life, and the colors of your experience this Fall, perhaps you can sense a force moving in you that is more powerful than the seeming conflicts of the outer world. Perhaps the artist painting the picture of your life could be the Christ Spirit within you. Perhaps this is the moment we can step back and give thanks for all the beauty and perfection that has been revealed to us already, in the form of good relationships, abundance of kindness, and constant comfort and care. These are some of the colors the great artist within uses to color our world with love.
I often find, when I am attempting to paint my world without the guidance of the master painter, I don’t like the world pictured there; but when I give my life over to divine guidance, love once again becomes the theme of everything I see. In fact, universal love is constantly guiding each of us if we allow it. It will move our hands and feet, put the right colors on the paint brush of our minds, direct our thoughts and actions just right, in order to create that perfect masterpiece that only we can bring onto this world.
When I ponder all the decisions and all the possibilities there are in bringing forth my highest good, I know I cannot perceive them by myself. I can honestly say, “Of myself I can do nothing,” (John 5:30). I know I am not alone. There is a greater Self waiting and wanting to guide me on the spiritual path. We have come to know this as divine mind, the spirit of the living God in us, our Christ-Self. As I allow that force to move in me and in my life, the calm assurance of a loving presence is given me. This presence I feel becomes evident everywhere and in everyone. It brings me the comfort and strength to let go and forgive the world. As I forgive, I learn to entrust my life to Spirit. I pray only that the Divine Presence of love, light and wisdom guide me in all things, always and in all ways. I no longer fear the changing seasons; but rather welcome them, knowing they will inevitably color my world with nothing but eternal, Divine Love.
Always Yours in Christ Consciousness, Rev. Tony