All addictions Big Book Step Study

12 step meeting for all addictions downstairs in Friendship Hall. This will be a big book step study group. All individuals interested in recovery from addiction of any kind, as well as Alanon and ACOA members are welcome to attend.

Unity Book Club

The next meeting of the Unity Book Club will be at 6:00 Monday, September 25 in person at Unity.  This month’s book choice is “Island of Sea Women” by Lisa See.  This new novel by Lisa See is about the friendships and challenges of female divers on a small Korean island, spanning wars and generations. The novel is described as “a beautifully rendered story of two women whose individual choices become inextricably tangled.”

Bread and Roses Cafe and Bookstore, located here in Hyannis, has offered a 20% discount for our members.
Find the link to buy the book on the Homepage.

Annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon

Everyone is invited to attend our annual Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon right after service on Sunday October 1st at the clubhouse at Halcyon, 300 Buck Island Road in Yarmouth. There will be special awards, food, music and more. Please plan on attending this very special event. Let us all tap into the ever-flowing abundance of Spirit and share our prosperity with our spiritual community. “Financial resources are not the goal of our mission, but they are the fuel which propels the mission.” Charles Fillmore.

Community Conversations

Join us in Friendship Hall after service. Get involved, and join in the conversation, as we grow and expand the impact of our spiritual center.

Online Auction

Live event and closing bids Oct 14

Want to join in a fun way to increase Unity’s prosperity?

A team is formed to plan a silent auction followed by a live auction in October.

If you would like to join the team and/or donate items or services, contact Joanne at

Examples of auctioned items:

2 overnight pet sitting
A Yamaha guitar
Spanish Classes
Dinner for 6 people.
We'll be helping people to fill out the donations form at the end of the service on Sunday.

Leadership Council

There will be a leadership council meeting on Sunday, upstairs in the sanctuary immediately following fellowship. All team leaders and board members are asked to make an effort to attend this meeting.

Community Conversations

Join us in Friendship Hall after service. Get involved, and join in the conversation, as we grow and expand the impact of our spiritual center.

Winter Solstice Crystal Bowl Meditation

Harmonize your whole self with the healing energies of the crystal bowl sound bath guided meditation.
With Michelle LeVangie
$25 suggested donation. No one turned away.

An Encounter with the Five Principles

A one day mini-workshop to experience a deeper relationship with our Unity principles. Completion of this workshop satisfies the requirement for becoming an official voting member of Unity on Cape Cod.

This gathering will include a history of the New Thought Movement and Unity, short teachings and meditations on each Unity principle and a light lunch.

Everyone is invited to attend, even if you have taken the class before.

Please register for the class by adding your name to the sign up sheet at the back of the sanctuary or by sending an email to:

Spiritual Book Club

We are switching to daytime meetings in person for the winter, meeting the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm.

The next choice for the Spiritual Book Club is The Covenant of Water by Abraham Verghese. This book has been described as “a stunning and magisterial epic of love, faith, and medicine, set in Kerala, South India, following three generations of a family seeking the answers to a strange secret.”