Unity on Cape Cod Book Club: Flight Behavior

This will be a hybrid meeting, so that those who cannot make the meeting in person can participate via Zoom. (Find Link on Home Page)

The May book choice is “Flight Behavior” by Barbara Kingsolver. This book is described as a "thoughtful novel about the scientific, financial and psychological intricacies of climate change.” Set in rural Appalachia, the overarching theme is of the monarch butterflies serving as a warning for climate change.

Unity on Cape Cod Book Club

This will be a hybrid meeting, so that those who cannot make the meeting in person can participate via Zoom. Please consider attending even if you live far away from Cape Cod!
The June book choice is "Driving Jesus to Little Rock" by Roland Merullo. This book is described as a “quirky-spiritual” book which provokes readers to think about life while also making them laugh and providing them with a "boots-on-the-ground view of America“ via a road trip taken by Jesus as a hitchhiker and the guy who picks him up. We have read and discussed several books by this author and have enjoyed each one! Find link on Home page.

Interfaith Service: Celebrating that which unites us.

Celebrating that which unites us.

Join us for a unique opportunity to celebrate our common humanity and discover our shared spiritual nature with faith leaders from around Cape Cod. A diverse group of spiritual leaders will be speaking and sharing their wisdom and insights about that which unites us and heals our sense of separation from one another and from the source of all creation. Come and experience the joy of this very special gathering.

Unity on Cape Cod Book Club

Please consider attending even if you live far away from Cape Cod! The June book choice is People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks. This adventure novel, explores the nature of Jewish/Muslim/Christian relationships through a story of searching for an ancient Jewish manuscript through Europe and Eastern Europe over several centuries, up to current time. Geraldine Brooks, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of March, has turned the intriguing but sparely detailed history of this precious volume into an emotionally rich, thrilling fictionalization that retraces its turbulent journey.

Leadership Council

There will be a leadership council meeting on Sunday, Aug.13th upstairs in the sanctuary immediately following fellowship. All team leaders and board members are asked to make an effort to attend this meeting.

Leadership Council

There will be a leadership council meeting on Sunday, upstairs in the sanctuary immediately following fellowship. All team leaders and board members are asked to make an effort to attend this meeting.

Unity Book Club

Our next book club meeting will be IN PERSON on MONDAY, August 28th at 6:00 pm at Unity on Cape Cod. This will be a hybrid meeting, so that those who cannot make the meeting in person can participate via Zoom. If you plan on attending via Zoom, please email Joanne O’Connell at joanne1951@yahoo.com for the link.

The August book choice is “A Chance in the World: An Orphan Boy, A Mysterious Past, and How He Found a Place Called Home” by Steve Pemberton. This book is about the power we all have to create new beginnings no matter how great our misfortunes are. The themes are grief, survival, and resilience. All are welcome to come to this meeting, whether or not you have ever been to a book club before.

Twelve Steps Program​

Every Thursday in Friendship Hall

Beginning Thursday September 7th fthere will be a 12 step meeting for all addictions downstairs in Friendship Hall. This will be a big book step study group. All individuals interested in recovery from addiction of any kind, as well as Alanon and ACOA members are welcome to attend.

Autumn Equinox Crystal Bowl Meditation 

With Michelle LeVangie

Relax, renew and restore your body, mind, heart and soul, as we create sacred space for healing and intentions. The Autumn equinox is a powerful time to align with your highest intentions and celebrate the harvest season. Harmonize your whole self with the healing energies of the crystal bowl sound bath guided meditation…   $25 suggested donation….No one turned away.

Walk for the World

Join John Rosario and over 80,000 others around the world walking for peace and healing for our world.

We will be walking the Labyrinth at Unity on Cape Cod 147 Walton Ave. Hyannis Ma. See you there!