21 Days of Prosperity:

A Vision for my Highest good

Day one: Gratitude

As I give thanks for all I have, all that I am and all I give and receive, I am filled with gratitude and appreciation. I am grateful for all the people in my life who share their love and many talents to make my life more abundant and happy. I have appreciation for all the gifts I have to offer as well. Instead of focusing on what I think I need to make me happy or prosperous, I make a decision to be grateful and happy, knowing the Universe can give me only that which I am ready to receive. In gratitude for everything I have right now, I make myself ready for a greater flow of abundance in my life.

Day Two: Trust

As I give thanks for all I have, all that I am and all I give and receive, I am filled with gratitude and appreciation. I am grateful for all the people in my life who share their love and many talents to make my life more abundant and happy. I have appreciation for all the gifts I have to offer as well. Instead of focusing on what I think I need to make me happy or prosperous, I make a decision to be grateful and happy, knowing the Universe can give me only that which I am ready to receive. In gratitude for everything I have right now, I make myself ready for a greater flow of abundance in my life.

Day Three: Giving

Every day I am offered many opportunities to give. When I stay awake and aware of what I can give to the world, I realize I have unique gifts which are Spirit’s way of expressing love, healing and prosperity through me. I also open myself to receiving more as I increase my giving. I find there is no end to all the blessings I can give when I am willing to receive.

Day Four: Abundant Attitude

When I look at my thoughts as the basis of my experience, I see how important is my attitude. If my attitude is, “I never have enough” that is what my life will look like. I am determined to have a positive attitude around money, and to use it to further my ability to bring more joy to the world. If I have an abundant attitude, money will also be charged with positive energy as I send it back out into the world… and that positive energy will return to me, multiplied with the same light from which it came.  I will not see money as bad or good, but simply as a currency of energy. What energy that currency carries is up to me. I choose to have an abundant attitude and share the currency of Love.

Day Five: Divine Substance

It has been said Albert Einstein spent a majority of his life searching for the “Theory of Everything,” a single theory which could demonstrate the common element which holds all things in the universe together as one. What he was looking for was a way to explain what we call, “Divine Substance,” the elemental life force at the core of all existence. Everything I could ever need or want is already within and all around me, simply waiting for me to bring it into manifestation through the power of my mind. Divine Substance is always available in infinite amount. What I accept into my experience depends upon my willingness to work with divine law, and intentionally focus the substance of God for the highest good of everyone in every situation.

Day Six: Expression

I am now willing to be an expression of God’s Love in the world. Whatever I think I am or believe to be doing in this world, I am still always and only an expression of the creative source of all creation. Since the divine substance depends on me to become manifest in my life, I choose now to step into greater expression of my true nature. By living the principles I am learning in Unity, I have come into a fuller, freer, more expanded expression of myself in the world.

As I learn to give what I have to others, I see it expanding in me and in my life. I am demonstrating the Love of God through my creative expression.

Day Seven: I Am Blessed

If I honestly consider all the gifts I have received freely from the Universe, I can know that I am truly blessed. There is no situation that the Love of God is not present in my life. There is nothing this love cannot do, and there is no person in which this love does not exist. I am blessed with the knowledge of the omnipresence of Universal Love. I am one with the power of Universal Mind and I am flowing with the energy of Universal Abundance. Whenever I get caught up in worry, fear and doubt, all I have to remember is; “I am too blessed to be stressed.” All my concerns turn to possibilities, all my doubts turn to increased awareness when I accept the gifts of God are already mine, here and now.