There will be a leadership council meeting on Sunday, Aug.13th upstairs in the sanctuary immediately following fellowship. All team leaders and board members are asked to make an effort to attend this meeting.
There will be a leadership council meeting on Sunday, upstairs in the sanctuary immediately following fellowship. All team leaders and board members are asked to make an effort to attend this meeting.
Our next book club meeting will be IN PERSON on MONDAY, August 28th at 6:00 pm at Unity on Cape Cod. This will be a hybrid meeting, so that those who cannot make the meeting in person can participate via Zoom. If you plan on attending via Zoom, please email Joanne O’Connell at [email protected] for the link.
The August book choice is “A Chance in the World: An Orphan Boy, A Mysterious Past, and How He Found a Place Called Home” by Steve Pemberton. This book is about the power we all have to create new beginnings no matter how great our misfortunes are. The themes are grief, survival, and resilience. All are welcome to come to this meeting, whether or not you have ever been to a book club before.