Community Conversations

Join us in Friendship Hall after service. Get involved, and join in the conversation, as we grow and expand the impact of our spiritual center.

Leadership Council

There will be a leadership council meeting on Sunday, upstairs in the sanctuary immediately following fellowship. All team leaders and board members are asked to make an effort to attend this meeting.

StoweGood retreat

A Unique Blend of Powerful, Life-Affirming Presentations
Mixing Heart, Humor & Hutzpah!
As professional speakers, these two award-winning singer/songwriters enhance their keynote presentations, concerts, and workshops with a unique speaking style and powerful songs, which never fail to inspire, motivate 
and uplift their audiences.

STOWE Dailey & Karen Taylor GOOD.

Register link on Home page.

Unity on Cape Cod Auction

Our Unity Community is coming together once again to engage in the practice of giving and receiving through our second annual auction Sept 21- Oct 5.

The Unity Auction Committee is seeking donations of items, services, and gift cards from members, their families, and businesses. Please consider donating in any way you can. The amount of money we raise is very much dependent on these donations. Forms are available in the back of the sanctuary and online for you to register your donation. The deadline for donations is September 14th.

You can download a Solicitation letter on the link below to present to a business, and a donation form to register your or their donation and take a sneak peek of the auction items so far. Find links on Home Page.

Walking in the Spirit

Bells Neck Conservation Lands

@1:00 pm Weather permitting

We'll meet on the East trailhead Bells Neck Rd. Harwich

Autumn Equinox Crystal Bowl Meditation

Relax, renew and restore your body, mind, heart and soul, as we create sacred space for healing and intentions. The Autumn equinox is a powerful time to align with your highest intentions and celebrate the harvest season. Harmonize your whole self with the healing energies of the crystal bowl sound bath guided meditation.

$20 suggested donation. No one turned away.

Unity Book Club​

The September pick for the Unity Book Club is "The Frozen River” by Ariel Lawhon. Set in Maine in 1789, this work of historical fiction is the story of a midwife’s quest for justice and “powerfully speaks to centuries-old inequities that remain to the present day.”

Unity on Cape Cod Auction

Our Unity Community is coming together once again to engage in the practice of giving and receiving through our second annual auction.

The Unity Auction Committee is seeking donations of items, services, and gift cards from members, their families, and businesses. Please consider donating in any way you can. The amount of money we raise is very much dependent on these donations. Forms are available in the back of the sanctuary and online for you to register your donation. The deadline for donations is September 14th.

You can download a Solicitation letter on the Home page links to present to a business, and a donation form to register yours or their donation and take a sneak peek of the auction items so far.