Ministry Teams

Prayer Team

Angels of Affirmation

Praying with congregants, Holding a Sacred space.

Team Leader
Kathy Smith-Brown

Team Mission:

To hold sacred space for the congregation, leadership, members and guests of Unity On Cape Cod. Providing our spiritual center with prayer chaplain services and training new prayer chaplains as the opportunity arises. To organize and inspire prayer partners and handle written prayer requests. To participate in the weekly prayer call and hold Unity on Cape Cod in your daily prayer life.

Let Us Pray With You

Prayer is at the heart of Unity, and prayer is a heart-to-heart connection that links all people spiritually with each other and with God. This spirituality, which transcends all religions, represents a oneness-a unity. And we can best access this spiritual unity through the silence of prayer.

If you would like us to support you in prayer, please send an email at [email protected]. Your prayer request will always be held in a sacred trust of confidentiality.

Service Assistant

To assist the minister in the coordination of Sunday Service, and act as principal Greeter aka Service Host.

Team Leader
Leonard Klein

Platform Leaders Mission and Purpose:
To assist the minister in the coordination of Sunday Service, and act as principal Greeter aka Service Host. To represent our Spiritual Center as an example of leadership, community involvement and professional presentation of Unity Principles in action.

Specific duties include:
Inspiring and interactive reading of the Daily Word.

  1. Deliver our welcome statement, including newcomers.
  2. Introduce service participants (including audio/visual team)
  3. Announce fellowship greeting during service.Initiate announcements.
  4. Be available for Q&A after service.

Possible expansion of duties:
Assist greeters before and after service.

  1. (when minister is out of town):
    Welcome guest speakers.
  2. Issue call to service and opening prayer.
  3. Direct service activities after the message: announcements, offertory, announce the kids and lead the Sparks blessing, closing prayer.

Hosting and Greeters


Team Meet and Greet

Welcoming guests to our service

Team Leader
Carol O’Hara

Mission and Duties:

Welcome our members and guests at the beginning of service with a warm Unity greeting, always seeing and accepting the Christ in all who walk through our doors. Organize the schedule for greeters and ushers for all services and special events. Pass out weekly bulletins, welcome packets and special announcements, and take up collection during each service. To be the face of Unity in all we strive to represent as the first impression people receive when they enter our sacred space and/or choose to join our spiritual community.

Website and Social Media

Universal Connections

Maintain and update the website and Social Media platforms.

Team Leader
Liliana Bejarano-Cryer


To spread our spiritual message through the website and social media platforms, to manage and update the website, Facebook page and YouTube channel.


  1. Update all activities on the various pages of the Unity on Cape Cod website, home page, announcements, calendar, and sidebar. (follow graphic design and concept as created by team leader)
  2. Publish Monthly Minister’s Blog and Pathways to Unity.
    Post video of the Sunday services on YouTube channel, website and social media.
  3. Update plugins ans create backup files and data base files.
    Update the Facebook page, post relevant events and service video of the week.

Music Team

Sounds of Spirit

Team Leader
Jack Leyden

Mission Statement:

The Music Ministry’s goal is to connect to the congregation by providing music that uplifts, inspires and supports the message for the Sunday services.


To oversee all aspects of the music for Sunday services and holiday events, including leading choir activities for Christmas. To keep a fresh song list and work on new material, and keep the energy flowing in a manner consistent with the growth of our spiritual center.

To work with the youth program on their presentations when music is being offered.

Earth Care

Nurturing our connection to Earth

Team Leader
Martha Powers


to bring awareness to God’s vision for how we are to live with integrity in relation to this earth and all of its creatures, and to celebrate God’s gifts so abundant in the natural world.

Minister’s Vision and description:

Honoring the Earth and all her inhabitants as a vital part of the web of life, we strive to keep our “Earth Care Covenant” as a guide for our actions and attitudes toward the environment. We will teach and instruct in ways we can be more conscious stewards of the Earth, and prepare programs and special events throughout the month of April, focused around our Earth Day celebration. Members of the Earth Care team will work closely with the leader of the team in order to pray for and encourage greater awareness and love toward our planet and all living things with which we share our planet.

Earth Care Covenant for Unity on Cape Cod

Acknowledging that all of creation is connected, we, as a sacred community, are committed to being responsible stewards of our earthly home. We affirm that we hold a deep respect for all life, and a sincere reverence for the interdependent web of all that is.
We envision a world where all beings are supported in living the lives for which they were created. We live in gratitude and appreciation while working to bring awareness to others. Let us join together as we mindfully support the well-being and protection of Cape Cod’s natural environment and the world beyond. We declare our covenant with God to walk lightly upon this beautiful Earth as we hold this vision for the greatest good of all creation.

Community Care Team

The Care Bears

To offer care and comfort to those who may be experiencing a challenging time, or just keeping in touch with our members… Responding to community members who would like a personal contact: a card, a phone call, a prayer call from Rev. Tony or a prayer partner or perhaps even a hospital visit.

Team Leader
Christine Young


We believe that our Unity Community is an extended family and we want to be aware of the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of our family members. The Community Care Team will be the first point of contact if someone needs a bit of help or has been missing from the Sunday Service for several weeks. This team will focus on responding to community members who would like a personal contact: a card, a phone call, a prayer call from Rev. Tony or a prayer partner, a visit from another community member who lives close by, or any other need within our ability to respond. If beyond our ability to respond, we will assist them in accessing the needed resources.


Landscaping with Light

Maintain our building, grounds, lead the spring and fall cleanups.

Team Leader
John Rosario

Mission and purpose:
To maintain all aspects of the building and grounds of UCC.
Assist the Minister and Board of Trustees in maintaining the physical integrity and appearance of the Church building as to
provide our community with a safe, inviting environment for our spiritual community.

Specific duties:

  1. Set Heat and AC for Sunday Services and weekly settings.
  2. Maintain lighting integrity (interior and exterior)
  3. Provide set up for services, (tables chairs, lights, coffee etc.)
  4. Maintain grounds and parking lot. (includes lawn mowing in summer and snow removal, ice melt in winter)
  5. Secure and coordinate professional services if required (plumbers, electricians, heating and cooling, carpenters etc.)
    Maintain and organize storage areas.
  6. Repair what is broken, in house if possible.
  7. Help planning and building special projects (ie: new doors and windows, shelves, stained glass box, repainting, etc.


Heart-Full Hospitality

To provide food and snacks for fellowship after service and special events in Friendship Hall.

Team Leaders
Paula Long & Dolores Pucci

Mission and Purpose:
To provide food and snacks for fellowship after service in Friendship Hall. Organize and coordinate schedule among team members to ensure there are always enough people to spread out responsibilities for the team so as not to burden one individual with too much work. To create a fun, happy, cooperative environment in which we share of our talents with hospitality and social activities. To offer support for certain special events and activities that may require food, drinks or snacks. Communicate with administration and the board of trustees as to the needs of the team in order to operate with grace and ease at all times.

Book Club & Bookstore

Our mission is to provide any “seeker” a means to a better understanding of spirituality and divine consciousness/awareness through spiritual books and discussion.

Team Leaders:

Bookstore, Joanne Irwin

Book Club, Joanne O’Connell

Mission Statement/ description:

The Unity bookstore offers an array of high quality spiritual books and CD’s. The topics range anywhere from prayer and meditation to healing, New Thought, yoga, self-empowerment, enlightenment, etc. Much of the subject matter encompasses many of Unity’s teachings, beliefs and principles. Our mission is to provide any “seeker” a means to a better understanding of spirituality and divine consciousness/awareness. At different times of the year, other items may be sold such as clothing, jewelry, journals, etc. The money obtained from all sales goes right into the general financial fund at Unity.


Unity Power and Light!

To provide technical support and infrastructure for worship services and all other events and/or classes, concerts and workshops at UCC.

Team Leader
Charlie Worrick

General: To provide technical support and infrastructure for worship services and all other events and/or classes, concerts and workshops at UCC. To help create a spiritual environment for the experience of awakening and transformation of our members and guests, and to extend our message through video presentations and social media on the internet.


  1. Construct PowerPoint scripts for service.
  2. Participate in service set up and rehearsal.
  3. Refine and edit (if necessary) PowerPoint script during service.
  4. Monitor and maintain audio system during service.
  5. Record service for CD and Video distribution.
  6. Control lighting in the sanctuary during service.
  7. Close and secure equipment after service.
  8. Process video for website and YouTube channel.
  9. Maintain audio/visual library of past services and music, and maintain PowerPoint library of frequently used scripts and lyrics.

Vision for future expansion of duties:
Assist in creating A/V productions for promotion of UCC.
Assist in upgrading and maintaining audio/visual equipment.
Providing audio technician services for concerts at UCC.*
*(with possible compensation)

Events and Publicity

To publicize special events, workshops, classes and concerts at Unity on Cape Cod

Team Leader: Position Open.

Mission and Purpose:
To organize, coordinate and advertise special events, workshops, classes and concerts at Unity on Cape Cod, with the goal of spreading the Unity message and increasing our visibility and impact in the community.

To be available to man the door, sell tickets, and handle the money at special events. Stay in close communication with the prosperity team to create and maintain activities which generate income for our spiritual center. Communicate with the Minister and administration about the schedule of events, and help to organize those events well in advance of date scheduled. To be available by phone, email or in person to help with logistics and prepare the physical space before and after each event. Always be willing to make every event both fun and enlightening for everyone involved.

Finance Team

To present the financial reports each month during the finance meetings, coordinate with the treasurer and office admin all the necessary financial duties for our spiritual center, including planning and budget as well as keeping a positive, abundant prosperity consciousness.

Team Leader Leonard Klein

Mission and Purpose

To hold the high watch for abundance and prosperity for Unity on Cape Cod. We meet once a month, usually the second Thursday of each month at 1:30 pm. to discuss the finances of Unity on Cape Cod. We are stewards of the divine substance flowing through our spiritual center and serve as an advisory team to the Board of Trustees.

The Finance team consists of the Treasurer of the board, the office administrator, the minister, and anyone who is interested in the finances of our spiritual center. We review the budget each month and make financial recommendations to the board to help Unity grow and thrive. Fiscal responsibility and transparency are our guiding rules.

Abundance and prosperity are the spiritual laws we practice.

1. First and foremost, a member of the finance team should be someone who is practicing prosperity principles in their personal life. If they have not attended classes and workshops in abundance and prosperity in the past, it is strongly recommended they complete a class or workshop in alignment with Unity and its principles before joining the team.
2. Persons on the team must be active, voting members of Unity on Cape Cod. 
4. To avoid conflicts of interest, finance team members cannot be married to or be a life-partner of an employee of Unity on Cape Cod.
5.  Must be able to attend and participate in most Finance Team meetings.
6. Maintains confidentiality with the content of meeting discussions.
7.  Each person understands and accepts that the Finance Team functions as an advisory entity ONLY and makes recommendations for the Board’s consideration. The Board of Trustees makes all final financial decisions.
8. Supports the decisions of the majority even if in disagreement.
9. Remember it is a team effort, following the divine example, not my will, but Thy be done.
10. It is also agreed upon by members that any disagreement or difference of opinion stays within the group, and if cannot be resolved among group members, be approached through a process of non-violent communication facilitated by a third party.
11. It is recommended that members of the finance team consider the practice of tithing of their time, talents and their treasure. “We give in love because we love to give.”
12. Finally, turning up the gratitude factor for all the many gifts with which we are blessed will always keep us on the path of humble service to divine principle working in us through us and as us.

Social Activities

The Social Lights 

To create and organize fun events and gatherings for members of our community.

Team Leader
Christine Young

Mission Statement/ description:

The social activities team has the mission of organizing gatherings, outings, parties and other events outside of Unity. In an effort to have more diverse and fun experiences together, and bring more joy to our community, we will offer many different opportunities to join together with other members of Unity outside of the church setting.

Our vision is to enhance our connection to the greater community on Cape Cod, bring more visibility to our Spiritual Center and have more fun!

We believe that joining together in positive, joyful and adventurous activities creates a greater sense of community and belonging. We have a goal of bringing more fun and creativity into the lives of everyone at Unity on Cape Cod.