
Ways of Giving

You can send a check to 147 Walton Ave., Hyannis MA, 02601 paid to the order of Unity on Cape Cod. You can also give your offerings during the service or use the donate button below.

Another way of making sure your tithe or donation shows up on a regular schedule is to set up direct deposits. Remember you can always make a monthly contribution right here on the website. It is safe, secure and we never share your information with anyone for any reason.

Automatic Giving

Automatic giving allows you to express your generosity in a way that your tithes and offerings are contributed consistently even on those weeks when you are unable to attend regular services.

“Financial resources are not our mission but are the fuel that propels the mission.”

Consider automatic giving today by choosing one of the options below in order to set up a regular weekly or monthly donation on our website or through online banking.
Thank you for being a blessing for Unity on Cape Cod.

Automatic giving is an opportunity to easily have your Tithe or Love Offering placed on a credit or debit card or transferred directly from your bank account through your online banking system.

Option #1 Online banking:
Simply go to the online banking page on your bank’s website and add Unity on Cape Cod as a pay to account. Fill out the necessary information and your bank will send a check directly to us weekly or monthly depending on your choice.
(Questions regarding online banking please see Liz Hill, Leonard Klein or Michael O’Connell.)

Option #2 Credit or Debit card giving:
Go to our website, Look for the yellow donate button by scrolling down on the right side panel on the homepage. When entering the amount you wish to donate, there is option to make it a monthly donation. Simply click the “monthly donation” option and you will be donating with your card on a regular monthly basis.

Planned Giving and Legacy Gifts

Unity on Cape Cod is sustained solely by the generosity of our members and friends. If Unity is a part of your life now, or has been in the past, you may wish to continue your legacy by including your spiritual family in your estate planning. Whether you intend to set up a trust or include Unity in your will, it helps to have those plans in place long before any major changes in your life.

If Unity on Cape Cod has made a positive impact in your life, and you wish to help your spiritual community thrive far into the future, we want you to know how much we appreciate your gift. We want to express our immense gratitude for your participation in this spiritual center and for creating a legacy that will help impact future generations in practical, positive and meaningful ways. Your gift will bless everyone in our community for years to come.

Our official name to be used on all legal documents is: Unity Church of the Light. (Fed. Tax number 04-320-4999)

“It is necessary to give freely if we are to receive freely. The law of receiving includes giving. The knowledge that substance is omnipresent and that people cannot, therefore, impoverish themselves by giving (but rather will increase their supply) will enable us to give freely and cheerfully.”

Charles Fillmore