Walking in the Spirit Sunday

Walking in the Spirit will take place at the Beebe Woods Trail in Falmouth. We will meet in the parking lot behind Highfield Theater, 58 Highfield Dr. Falmouth, Ma. at 1:30 PM. HIghfield has one of the nicest Christmas displays in the area. After the walk we can stroll the grounds, listen to carolers, or […]

Burning Bowl Ceremony

This week, January 2, 2022, our Sunday service will also include the Burning Bowl ceremony, the time of year when we consciously release the past and all that no longer serves our highest good!

Leadership council by zoom

There will be a meeting of the leadership council, for all team leaders who are available, Saturday Jan. 8, 2022 from 10:00 am. till noon.
Please mark your calendars as we ring in the New Year with hope and enthusiasm for our continued success here at Unity on Cape Cod.
It takes a dedicated team of leaders to keep Unity alive and thriving, and we are so very grateful for your participation. Find link on home page.

Jackie Woodside. Special guest speaker

Jackie is a certified professional coach, three-time best-selling author, TEDx speaker, radio and television personality, and seminar leader who is passionate about expanding the edge of human potential.
This is one event to attend if you want to kick off 2022 in the direction of fulfilling your soul’s purpose, achieving your greatest good and leaving your fears behind.


Join us tonight for the discussion of the book. Find zoom link on the home page.

Unity on Cape Cod Annual Meeting

For all our cherished members…You are invited and encouraged to attend the Annual Meeting of Unity on Cape Cod. In person and online.
We will:
Hear the annual report from President of the board, Michael O’Connell.
Receive the annual treasurer’s report from Len Klein.
Vote on the recent bylaws update.
Welcome back the Board members for 2022.
Join Rev. Tony in our vision for this upcoming year and beyond.