Our Ministry
Our Mission
Creating Community, Celebrating Love, Transforming Lives
Our Vision
We are a thriving spiritual community radiating God’s light and love through:
Sacred Space
We create a deep experience of prayer and meditation in all we do.
We are a family of diversity, united in love, celebrating God in each other at every opportunity. We host and create inspiring workshops, classes, music and concert programs.
We vibrantly and enthusiastically share ourselves and our gifts with each other and the world. We are known for our outreach to others.
Growth and Transformation
We are a learning community with a wealth of opportunities for people of all ages. We are a well-recognized center for spiritual transformation.
Unity at a glance
Unity is a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity, based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of prayer.
- Unity honors the spiritual wisdom in all religions and respects each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.
- We believe that God is Spirit, the loving source of all that is, one power, all good, and everywhere. God is divine energy continually expressing through all creation. In God we live and move and have our being.
- We believe that Jesus fully expressed the divine potential that is in all of us. He sought to show us how to express ours. Jesus is a master teacher of the universal spiritual truths. In Unity, we use the term “Christ” to express the divinity present in all humankind.
- We believe that each individual is an expression of God. Our essential nature is divine and our purpose is to express that divine potential. The more we awaken to our divine nature, the more fully God expresses through us.
- Unity emphasizes the creative power of thought in our life experience. When we take personal responsibility to choose life-affirming thoughts, words, actions, we create a more fulfilling and abundant life and a world that works for us all.
“ I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10
In summation, Unity emphasizes the divine potential within every person and teaches that through a practical understanding and application of what Jesus taught, everyone can realize and express their divine potential for a happier, fuller and more successful life.
The Five Basic Unity Principles
- God is absolute good, everywhere present. There is only one Power and one Presence active in the universe and in my life.
- Human beings have a spark of divinity within them, the Christ spirit within. Their very essence is of God, and therefore they are also inherently good.
- Human beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.
- Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God-Mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good.
- Knowing and understanding the laws of life, also called Truth, are not enough. A person must also live the Truth that he or she knows.
Our Core Values
We are dedicated to living the truth we know and practicing the principles of Unity.
Our commitment as individuals and as a community is to live the truth we know by following these Core Values. We strive to be:
Provides accurate information in terms understandable or familiar to the person or group; Speaking & acting in ways to reflect the facts makes us worthy of trust, reliance and belief; Being faithful to our internal Self rather than conforming to what others might expect.
Spiritual Community Actions
- We offer services on Sunday that encourages people to have a spiritual experience.
- We offer workshops and events that inspire people to move into a higher consciousness of the Christ within.
- We provide accurate financial information to our membership council and commUNITY members on a regular basis.
- The Board of Trustees practices healthy decisions making using the A.D.D.S process: Announce, Discuss with the people impacted before the decision is made, Decision-makers decide and then Share the decision/process used to make that decision.
Individual Commitment
- As a commUNITY member I participate to support myself and my spiritual community.
- I honor my agreements and I have the right to change my mind. So, I say “Yes, no or re-negotiate.”
- I look at my communication with myself and others. I avoid the following scenarios: Justify self/ invalidate others; I win/ you lose; Dominate/ Avoid domination; Being right/ Making others wrong.
- I practice spiritual giving and receiving: I give to the places and people where I am spiritually fed.
Seeking to understand the experience and feelings of others
Spiritual Community Actions
- We teach and model “Agreeing and Disagreeing in Love” classes on a regular basis and model the use of that in working within the commUNITY.
- As a group, we quarterly, contribute to others in our neighborhood –Adopted families for Christmas gifts, backpacks of School supplies for children
- We seek to get to win/win/win solutions – where all individuals as well as the group wins.
Individual Commitment
- Support Unity by showing up and showing interest
- I seek to understand another’s point of view before being understood.
- I welcome differences of opinion.
We express unconditional love, an inner quality that seeing the good in everything and everyone.
Spiritual Community Actions
- Our Children Ministry program supports our children in experiencing themselves as the perfect creations of God that they are.
- See the Divine Love in others especially when we disagree.
- We offer nourishing foods at Unity gatherings.
Individual Commitment
- I love myself completely, as Spirit does, and I express my divine perfection and wholeness.
- I look for the good in others and speak well of them.
- Since there is no separation between mind and body or spirit, I nourish my mind, body and spirit with the highest good.
Bravery of the heart-mind; the ability to act and confront whatever appears to stand in our way.
Community Actions
- We stand up for our values and what we believe in.
- We are courageous when we reply authentically especially when it would be easier to just agree.
- We are willing to try something new to solve a consistent problem.
Individual Commitment
- I now speak from a place of Truth when there is something that I feel or know that I am not in agreement with.
- I stand up for my values and what I believe in.
- I do my best to be all God created me to be, for I know I am fully capable, entirely unique and wholly deserving.
When we consistently act according to the values, beliefs and principles we say we hold; this leads to unity, wholeness and completeness.
Spiritual Community Actions
- We will keep our communications honest and timely.
- We live our Unity values, principles and beliefs in all our actions.
- We treat others and ourselves with respect and honor.
- We have a system in place for “checks and balances” in all areas of Unity, not only the financials, but also the spiritual wellbeing of our commUnity members is important.
Individual Commitment
- I commit to being the best person I can be, this is an ongoing process in my life.
- I will keep my communications honest, I will not engage in rumor spreading.
- I live my Unity values, principles and beliefs in everyday tasks or encounters.
Light-hearted, high spirited and exuberant and good natured. We extend this joy-filled perspective out into the world.
Spiritual Community Actions
- As Jesus said in Mt 18:3, we are to “become as a little child” for theirs is the kingdom of God, we encourage a childlike approach by being open, willing and joyful.
- We create sacred experiences where our joy in Spirit can show up.
- We support spiritual social action and let our Light shine in joy-filled ways as we make a difference on the Cape.
Individual Commitment
- I take challenging moments and look on the bright side of it. There’s always a silver lining.
- I make time to do something I enjoy every day.
- I am willing to laugh at myself.
Spiritual Community Actions
- We honor all people and all paths to God
- Our community celebrates diversity.
- We welcome and cherish every individual, regardless of their ethnicity, socio-economic background, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
- We thrive because of our differences, not in spite of them.
Individual commitment
- I will seek for the good in my neighbor in every situation and circumstance.
- I will be open to other’s opinions, experiences, and diverse gifts, knowing they are a vital part of my spiritual path.
- I will love, bless and accept you, just the way you are.
- I am committed to seeing our oneness and seeking our unity no matter how different our expression of the Divine may be.
We are committed to embodying Unity’s First Principle – There is only One Power and Presence, God the Good, Omnipotence.
We are willing to see beyond appearances and bring about awareness of a world which reflects the laws of Love, a world that works for everyone.
Spiritual Community Actions
- We offer workshops, classes and events that support visionary practices.
- We deny any appearances of lack and limitation by focusing on what we do want, creating with a noble goal in mind.
- We are a welcoming community, providing education and encouragement to help us to invite new comers, so that we can transform as many lives as possible.
Individual Commitment
- I live knowing that I am an individualized expression of the Divine.
- I integrate my divine essence into ordinary daily living.
- I seek to see the Christ in others as I envision our Oneness.