Unity is

Unity is a positive, practical spiritual path based on the teachings of Jesus and the power of affirmative prayer. Unity has a commitment to inclusion, diversity, compassion, healing and transformation. Unity is a path for anyone seeking a life based on spiritual principles, guided by love rather than fear.

Sunday, March 20 with Rev. Tony Cryer

Navigating The Human Experience 10:00 am Pierre Teihard de Chardin famously stated that we are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience. It is so important to remember this truth as we navigate our experience here on Earth. All too often we forget who we are and why we are here. We struggle to understand our experience as human beings because we are viewing it from an upside down perspective. When we see ourselves as spiritual beings everything changes.

Upcoming Schedule:

Special Event: Spring Renewal Crystal Bowl Meditation

Sunday, March 30 following the service.
11:45 to 1:15 pm.

Spring Renewal Guided Meditation, Sound Healing Event
With Michelle Levangie and Peter Eldridge

Relax and renew with the healing harmonies of the crystal bowls, and vocals. Restore and align mind, body, heart and soul. Celebrate the arrival of spring with this sound healing experience to set your healing intentions and clear out old energies that no longer serve. Please join us for this deep spiritually nourishing experience.

$20.00 suggested donation.


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EarthCare Film Series

New!  Every Friday Night in April:  All films at 7:00 pm.

Environmental Film Series 2025

April 4 – Earth. Air. Water. Fire.– Four mini-documentaries on the four elements by local Wampanoag filmmaker Leslie Jonas.

April 11 – Eating for Tomorrow – Narrated by Kate Winslet. Guest Speaker Dr. Kumara Sidhartha 

April 18 – The Shopping Conspiracy –

April 25 – Ecosophia,  (Ecological Wisdom) Discussion with former Senator Dan Wolf, Board member of Cape Cod Climate Change Collaborative. 

Joe Crookston Live in Concert

Friday, May 9
7:00 pm

We launch the summer series on with a Singing Oak favorite and force of nature on stage, Joe Crookston! Pure magic. He’s in his power AND communes with his audience. 

From headlining major US festivals, receiving Folk Alliance International “Album of the Year,” releasing NINE BECOMES ONE (2024), to being named Folk Alliance International Artist-in-Residence, Joe is on fire.

He’s toured with and shared stages with Gordon Lightfoot, Judy Collins, Dar Williams, Mary Gauthier, Suzanne Vega, David Francey, John McCutcheon, John Gorka, and 100’s more.

One Day Women's Retreat at Unity

Save the date:
Saturday, May 17
10:00 am- 3:00 pm

A day for enhancing your mind, body, and spirit.
Nurturing Happiness
Sound Healing Meditation
Gentle Yoga
Mindful Self-Compassion
Herbs, Teas & Spices for Wellness
Practices for Healing & Health

REVISED Save the date W retreat

Earth Care

Watch our latest video:
Letters from the community

Meet Rev. Tony
Unity on Cape Cod Baskets
Our Ministry Teams
Listen to Our Podcast
Our Sunday Services

Unity on Cape Cod

Unity offers a philosophy of individual spiritual awakening and empowerment. We provide positive, practical teachings that help people discover and live their spiritual potential and purpose. We help people have a stronger connection to the God of their understanding each and every day. We help empower people to live abundant and meaningful lives. We believe in the innate goodness of every human being, and the potential for every person to discover their true purpose for living.

We are dedicated to the idea that God lives in each of us, and we celebrate our shared spiritual identity at every opportunity.

Ongoing Events

Unity Book Club

Dessert with Buddha
Tuesday, March 25
1:00 at Unity on Cape Cod.

The March book choice is “Dessert with Buddha” by Roland Merullo.  This latest addition to this hilarious series takes an eccentric, sort-of-Buddhist monk and his skeptical, middle-of-the-road brother-in-law on another enlightening road trip filled with meals, humor, social commentary, and good times. Mixed in with the humor are lots of spiritual messages of inspiration.

Please come and join the discussion of this intriguing book and how the themes might relate to Unity principles.


Walking in the Spirit


This week, March 23, 2025 

Walking in the Spirit has been cancelled this week! 


Unity Men's Group

There is now a men’s group at Unity. The goal of this group is be to provide opportunities to socialize and to participate in service projects that would benefit the Unity community and perhaps the local community as well. Anyone who may be interested in becoming a member of this group can contact Michael O’Connell.  [email protected]

This week, Sat. March 8th at 8:30 am. at The Sea Street Cafe in Hyannis.

Women's Lunch Group

Thursday March 27
12:00 noon.

Every month the women of Unity will meet for lunch on the third Thursday of the month.

This month will be at TUMI, Peruvian, Italian restaurant, 592 Main St. Hyannis…

All Unity women are welcome!

For more info. contact Christine Young at [email protected]

Community Inspirations

A new web page has been created for our members to have a place to share their insights and inspiration regarding their spiritual journey in Unity. It is part of the Unity on Cape Cod blog called Community Inspirations. Please send in your submissions by email to [email protected]  with the words, “Community Inspirations” written in the subject space. 

Affirmative prayer

The Affirmative Prayer circle with Rev. Tony and Liliana Is back, every Thursday evening at 7 pm. via Zoom.

(Click link below to join the zoom meeting.)

Prayer is creative thinking that heightens the connection with God-Mind and therefore brings forth wisdom, healing, prosperity and everything good…. The fourth principle of Unity!

Prayer is the most highly accelerated mind action known. It steps up mental action until man’s consciousness synchronizes with the Christ Mind. It is the language of spirituality; when developed it makes man master in the realm of creative ideas
Charles Fillmore.

Prayer Partner Ministry

Please remember, our prayer partner ministry is ready to pray with you. Every Sunday there will be a prayer partner available to pray with you after every service. Just look for the person with the White Prayer Chaplain stoll, standing by the door to the prayer room. Affirmative prayer is one of the foundations of Unity and is considered to be the most highly accelerated form of mind action known. We are here to serve your prayer needs. 

Who we are