Minister’s Message May

Message from the Minister May 2017

What a joy to Bloom where you are planted…

Here we go… jumping into spring with expectancy and full expression of the Christ in us. I am so happy to see so many new faces coming regularly to Unity every Sunday. We just completed our most successful Earth Care series and Earth day celebration to date. Easter and our recent “Bring a friend to church” day were also services to remember. Our yard has been cleaned up and looking good. The Stained glass altar box will be ordered soon, and new furnaces are on the way. Our prayer chaplain program is getting new life, and the healing continues throughout the week. There really is more amazing things happening than I can say.

Spirit has given us more energy to accomplish all we desire and more. In this time of greater growth, a new prosperity project is going to help us bring in the substance to manifest all we need to keep up with our growing community. Workshops, classes and concerts are lined up for the next few months. Fasten your seat belts everyone. The adventure continues. I want to express my gratitude for all our team leaders and remind everyone how much your involvement is appreciated, in fact it is what makes it all happen.

My deepest prayer in these days is that we continue acknowledge and cherish one another with the love of Spirit, always and in all ways. My only request of you, my dearest brothers and sisters, is that you bloom right here where Spirit has planted you.
And if you are one of our beloved summer residents, welcome home! Remember you are always with us in spirit, wherever you travel, I want you to know this is always your spiritual center and your home. I pray that we continue to bloom together in our garden of light and love, one that has been prepared by the Divine Presence of the living God with each and every one of us.

There really is no limit on our joy or on our healing and abundance. As I said in last weeks message, my life is yours, I lay down the false desires of separate self, and embrace the life I am given by our oneness. As the African quote says, “I am because we are.” That is the beauty of creation. Even though we may look different and have our own unique individual expression of God to bring into this world, we are One in Spirit and in Truth. I honor the oneness that we share. I feel truly blessed to simply take the time to to do what my Mom always told me to do, to bloom where I am planted.


Rev. Tony